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Clicks to Conversions: How a Major Australian online publication boosted their publisher commission by 84%+ through a dynamic content strategy

A major Australian online publication with a substantial and loyal readership faced a significant challenge: how to effectively monetise its content with limited resources. Aiming to boost website traffic, enhance user engagement, and substantially increase publisher commission, the publication sought a strategic partner with commerce content expertise to help tackle this mission.


Key Metrics: (June to Aug vs P3M 2024)

  • Order Value: +160%
  • Sales: +96%
  • Publisher Commission: +84%
  • Conversion Rate: +42%
  • Clicks: +37%
  • EPC: +34%
  • Average Order Value: +32%
SEN publisher traffic over time
Publisher’s traffic over time as they use Skimlinks Editorial Network


A major Australian online publication with a substantial and loyal readership faced a significant challenge: how to effectively monetise its content with limited resources. Aiming to boost website traffic, enhance user engagement, and substantially increase publisher commission, the publication sought a strategic partner with commerce content expertise to help tackle this mission.


Optimising content for SEO and performance

As a commerce content expert, Skimlinks Editorial Network (SEN) emerged as the ideal collaborator. In addition to helping the publisher build their commerce content section from scratch, the SEN team also provided actionable insights and strategies to help optimise content for SEO, boost revenue performance, and drive sustainable growth.

Skimlinks implemented these four strategies: 

  • SEO-driven content: SEN crafted SEO-optimised articles targeting high-intent and high-value keywords within the publication’s key categories: mattresses and home appliances. By focusing on relevant search terms and creating engaging, informative content, SEN boosted organic search visibility and solidified the publication’s authority in these verticals.
  • Performance-focused content: Top-performing brands were strategically integrated into editorial content through compelling narratives and first-hand reviews. This approach extended beyond mere product highlights as the content incorporated thorough research and testing to ensure the content delivers authentic value to readers while driving conversions.
  • Strategic partnerships: Exclusive cost-per-acquisition increase (CPAi) deals were negotiated with select brands, enhancing the publication’s earning potential and elevating its profile within the content ecosystem. Skimlinks also supported tonegotiate flat fee and cost-per-click (CPC) deals on their behalf, enabling the publisher to generate and scale revenue from multiple sources. Additionally, these partnerships fostered strong relationships between the publication and brands.
  • Amplified reach: The Taboola Feed was utilised to extend the publication’s reach and engage with a wider audience. This content amplification strategy leveraging the power of the Taboola algorithm and drove significant traffic to shopping articles. 

These combined efforts resulted in a substantial improvement in the publication’s commerce content performance.


Remarkable results delivered

The collaboration between the publisher and Skimlinks yielded excellent results. In Q2 2024, the publication experienced a staggering 135% increase in clicks and a remarkable 679% surge in publisher commission compared to the previous quarter.

Additionally, the Taboola Feed expanded the publication’s audience, resulting in a 100% growth in monthly clicks to shopping articles, with a 4% click-through rate. This highlights the platform’s effectiveness in significantly boosting traffic and conversions.

The publication, together with Skimlinks, is committed to building upon this success through ongoing optimisation and refinement of its content strategy. By closely monitoring performance and adapting to audience evolution, the goal is to sustain growth and maximise revenue potential. Further, the focus for the upcoming quarter is on evergreen content that remains relevant over time.

This case study highlights the potential of a well-executed content marketing strategy to drive substantial growth for online publications. By combining SEO expertise, data-driven insights, and strategic partnerships, it’s clear that transforming clicks into conversions and significantly increasing publisher revenue is achievable.

Skimlinks is proud to have been a catalyst for this transformation and looks forward to continuing our partnership with the publication in their pursuit of ongoing growth and innovation.

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