What’s New At Skimlinks? Recap Of Three New Product Releases
Posted 3 years ago by Monika Lescevska

Although it’s been summer in the Northern Hemisphere, we’ve been busy releasing new products and features to help Publishers grow their Commerce Content Revenue.
We hope you’ve had some time to relax over the past few months and if you’ve missed any of our new products and features, we’ve recapped them below:
Editor Toolbar
We have made exciting new changes to the Editor Toolbar allowing Publishers to view if a merchant has an affiliate program with Skimlinks directly in their Google search results. We have automatically added the new feature so all you have to do is have the Editor Toolbar open in Chrome and search for merchants.
A blue Skimlinks logo signifies that the merchant has an affiliate program in the country where you are based, while a grey Skimlinks logo signifies that the merchant has an affiliate program outside the country where you are based.
Find out more about the Editor Toolbar Feature here.
For Skimlinks Publishers who haven’t installed the Editor Toolbar yet, download it here.
DTC Filter
The new DTC Filter has joined the family of four other filters in the Publisher Hub, enabling publishers to easily view our DTC merchants to use in their commerce content.
Publishers should consider including DTC brands as part of their Commerce Content strategy as they generally offer high commission rates, which increases your revenue potential.
Log into the Publisher Hub to view all DTC merchants.
Country Report
If you have ever wondered where in the world your readers are consuming your Commerce Content, head over to our Country Report in the Publisher Hub to find out! For each country, publishers can now see:
- The number of clicks they receive
- Sales they generated
- Conversion rate
- Order value
- Revenue generated
Publishers can also view what type of content and merchants resonated with their readers in a specific country, providing a great opportunity to unlock new revenue streams.
Skimlinks Publishers can access the Country Report here.
As we head towards the biggest shopping period of the year, these new products will help Publishers create compelling Commerce Content and further increase their revenue opportunities.
For Publishers not working with Skimlinks yet, sign up here.