New From Product: Refreshed Editor Toolbar and Merchant Updates
Posted 7 years ago by Angus Quinn

Today Skimlinks is delighted to announce three big updates to the way publishers are able to view merchants and their rates, which make it easier to see commision rates and their conditions and find new merchants to write about.
Editor Toolbar
The Editor Toolbar is one of our most used products and we’ve turbocharged it with additional features to give publishers more control.
Here’s a quick overview of what you can do and what’s new with the Editor Toolbar:
– See the average commission rate the merchant has paid over the last 90 days
– Access the exclusive rates the merchant offers you
– Easily see if there are any specific conditions that relate to merchant rates
– Easy access to full details around the rates on offer from the merchant.
– Create shortened links to use on your social channels or newsletters
– Use the domain selector to view the correct rates across different publisher domains
If you aren’t using the Editor Toolbar, you can download and install it now.
Merchant Page
Like the Editor Toolbar, we’ve given the Merchant Pages a facelift to provide more transparency to publishers around the potential commision rates available.
Publishers can now see:
– The average commision rate paid by the merchant over the last 90 days across the Skimlinks network
– The average performance statistics including earnings per click, conversion rate and basket size by merchants across the Skimlinks network. These figures are not a guarantee on what publishers will be paid, but are there to provide more detail around how the merchant performs generally
– Where Skimlinks have negotiated an exclusive rate for publishers, this is clearly visible
To increase transparency, the Merchant Pages now include Network Commission Details. In this section, publishers will be able to view the exact information provided to Skimlinks from each of the affiliate networks we work with, showing rates and conditions.
Merchant Categorisation
Finding new merchants to write about is important for publishers, to make this easier we’ve completed a big update to the vertical categorisation of merchants in the Publisher Hub. For example, the next time a publisher is searching for a Consumer Electronics merchant, they will see a larger selection of merchants to discover and choose from.
You can access all of these great enhancements right now by logging into the Publisher Hub.