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How Mumsnet created a commerce revenue stream while maintaining user trust

Posted 7 years ago by Jean-Christophe Gombeaud

Mumsnet is the UK’s largest network for parents, with over 12 million unique visitors per month, clocking up over 128 million page views and with a network of over 10,000 influencers. Skimlinks and Mumsnet have been working together for close to a decade.

We recently sat down with James to talk about the eCommerce strategy at Mumsnet. Focusing on how they’ve gone from managing 17 different networks and manual reporting of performance, to consolidating their activity with Skimlinks and the benefits they’ve seen from doing so.

“User-inspired product recommendations have been at the heart of Mumsnet since the beginning. Being able to create a revenue stream to help fund our business, in a way that was both unobtrusive and retains the trust of our users, was very important. This shared ethos is one of the reasons Mumsnet works with Skimlinks.” James Smith, Head of eCommerce, Mumsnet

Download the full overview of our conversation, to hear in James’ own words, his thoughts on:

– Challenges of managing multiple networks – Why Mumsnet chose to managed all affiliate relationships through Skimlinks – What the benefits are to the merchants they work with – Mumsnets commerce content growth plans for the coming year – Advice for other publishers considering taking the same approach to Mumsnet

Download your copy of the Mumsnet Case Study Here

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