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Generate more revenue this Black Friday with Skimlinks Shopping Galleries

Posted 6 years ago by Alannah Trew

Black Friday is the biggest commerce event of the year and Skimlinks has made the whole process of getting the best deals and offers from the leading merchants very simple.

We have launched the Skimlinks Black Friday Shopping Galleries.

Why Publishers should use the Black Friday Shopping Galleries

Publishers who add shopping galleries to their articles, could see an increase in Earnings Per Click (EPC) of +59%, compared to other commerce articles.

The latest deals and offers will automatically appear in the Shopping Galleries. So no need, for content creators to continually search for new deals/offers or to continually update links. It really is that simple!

The Shopping Galleries are now live and will automatically be updated, every three hours, from today through to Cyber Monday, maximising the revenue opportunities of this key period.

How Publishers are Using the Black Friday Shopping Galleries

A number of publishers have already started to promote and generate revenue from their Black Friday Shopping Galleries.

Check out a few that are currently live for inspiration:

SingleTrack World

The Sun

True Achievements

Digital Spy

How Many Shopping Galleries are there to Choose From?

We have created over 15 Black Friday Shopping Galleries for publishers to choose from. They cover the best deals and offers from leading merchants in the US and UK and from high performing product categories.

How to drive the most revenue from the Black Friday Shopping Galleries

  • Create a dedicated Black Friday/Cyber Monday page that contains the Shopping Galleries
  • Ensure the Shopping Galleries appear high on the page, visibility drives conversions
  • Start embedding the Shopping Galleries before Black Friday
  • Add the Shopping Galleries to your Evergreen Black Friday content, these will already have SEO ranking and will be more easily discovered


Accessing the Black Friday Shopping Galleries

The Black Friday Shopping Galleries are available to publishers in the US and UK only.

All Skimlinks Managed Accounts in these countries have access to the Black Friday Shopping Galleries, please speak to your Account Manager to activate the Shopping Galleries Tab in the Publisher Hub.

For all other US and UK based publishers, to qualify for the Black Friday Shopping Galleries, you must be generating more than $1,000/£1,000 of commerce revenue per month. If your site qualifies please get in touch with our team at


Creating a Black Friday Shopping Gallery

Once you have access to the Black Friday Shopping Galleries, there are a few simple steps to get the live and generating revenue

First, go to the Shopping Galleries tab in the Publisher Hub

Choose either a Product or Merchant Gallery. Each gallery comes with a red or green button and you can choose between grid or carousel layout so you can select the one that best fits the style of your page

Copy the Shopping Gallery Code and paste it into the page you want them to appear

The Shopping Gallery will automatically display the latest deals and offers on your page.

Revenue generated from the Black Friday Shopping Galleries will be reported in the Publisher Hub as normal.


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