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Outside of the comfort zone: How The Oodie’s data-driven marketing strategy helped them go global and grow affiliate channel sales by +127%

Starting from their Australian base in 2018, The Oodie has since expanded internationally into major markets like the UK and US and has provided customers worldwide the most snuggly, cuddly, softer-than-soft wearable blankets. 

We talked to Lorraine Bautista, who oversees affiliate marketing for The Oodie across five key regions (AU, UK, US, DE, CA), as she shed light on their impressive global growth. She also offered insights into their successful partnership with Skimlinks, which utilised data-driven affiliate marketing strategies to propel them into the international market and contribute to their staggering +127% sales growth in 2023.


Key metrics: 

Region Q4 2023 vs Q4 2022*
Sales Order Value
Global +127% +102%
AU +34% +24%
UK +148 +116%
US +80% +64%
  • Global Traffic: +77%
  • Global Conversion Rate: +28%


Could you tell us a bit of background about you and your role at The Oodie?

I’ve been immersed in the dynamic world of affiliate marketing since 2012, starting my journey in the UK before taking my expertise to Australia in 2016.

At The Oodie, I lead our affiliate performance and strategy across five key regions: AU, UK, US, DE, CA. My mission is to ignite growth and boost revenue by crafting, executing and testing innovative affiliate marketing initiatives that propel our brand to new heights.


Where does affiliate marketing fit into your ecommerce strategy? 

Affiliate marketing is a cornerstone of our eCommerce and performance marketing strategy, allowing us to expand reach, drive traffic, and boost sales through dynamic partnerships.

Bringing affiliate marketing in-house a year ago empowered us to leverage data-driven decision making for optimal affiliate performance. Cutting-edge marketing intelligence and multi-touch attribution platforms provide powerful insights to cultivate impactful, long-term partnerships.

Strategic partnerships, data-driven decisions, adaptability, and a commitment to experimentation collectively contribute to our ongoing success, enabling us to navigate the ever-changing affiliate landscape effectively.


We know data is really important to how you approach performance marketing. Can you tell us a bit more about how you use data in your affiliate strategy?

Data is at the core of our affiliate strategy, driving every decision we make. We leverage advanced marketing intelligence to gather comprehensive insights into our affiliates’ performance. This allows us to identify the most effective partnerships and optimise for better results.

We use data to track key performance metrics, such as conversion rates, new customer revenue, and customer acquisition costs. By analysing these metrics, we can refine our strategies to maximise ROI. 

Our approach goes beyond last-click attribution, evaluating performance holistically across all our digital channels. This comprehensive approach ensures we capture the full impact of our affiliate efforts within the broader context of our digital marketing ecosystem.


How does Oodie work with Skimlinks?

At The Oodie, we supercharge our content and PR affiliate marketing efforts with Skimlinks. Their platform automates and streamlines our campaigns, turning complex processes into a breeze. 
Our dedicated Skimlinks Account Manager, has been instrumental in providing quality support, insightful recommendations, and reporting to maximise our impact with news and content publications.

With a vast network of hundreds of contacts, editors, and journalists in major media outlets, managing this at scale can be challenging. However, Skimlinks’ powerful tools make it seamless, allowing us to focus on building strong relationships through their existing connections and drive outstanding results.

Case Study - The Oodie

From your beginnings in Australia, The Oodie has become a global brand. In what ways has the partnership with Skimlinks contributed to the brand’s growth in international markets, and what strategies have you used to leverage this partnership? Please share milestones achieved and notable successes.

Since our monumental success in the UK, we’ve been on an exhilarating journey to forge deeper connections with our content publications across all markets. Skimlinks has played a pivotal role in fueling engaging conversations, dynamic campaigns, and impactful promotional activities, propelling us towards even greater achievements.

Skimlinks’ extensive network of publishers has provided The Oodie access to a diverse array of international audiences, with a particular focus on the UK market. By collaborating with content publishers worldwide, we’ve significantly bolstered our brand presence and connected with new customer segments, solidifying our foothold in the UK. Securing prominent placements for editorial features and sponsored content has not only increased visibility but also enhanced our brand’s credibility and trustworthiness among consumers in the UK

One of our biggest successes occurred in September 2022 when The Oodie was featured as the ultimate wearable blanket, providing customers with unparalleled winter comfort and savings on electricity bills during a time of heightened cost of living and increased remote working. We hit a huge milestone of 112 articles and collaborated with 47 publications. 


With the increasingly competitive landscape of ecommerce, how has Skimlinks helped The Oodie differentiate itself and stand out in various international markets?

In the face of numerous Oodie competitors flooding the market globally, Skimlinks has been contributory in setting us apart. They’ve enabled us to stand out by orchestrating in-depth product reviews with respected publications and journalists, amplifying awareness for our latest product collections and thrilling collaboration launches. This proactive approach has been pivotal in showcasing our premium unique offerings and solidifying our position as a leader in cosy, innovative fashion.


You’ve been able to build great relationships with publishers through Skimlinks, what value has that brought?

Skimlinks’ trusted reputation has opened doors to connections that might have otherwise been challenging to reach independently. We’ve been able to secure high-profile placements for product reviews, feature articles, and promotional campaigns, enhancing our visibility and credibility in the market. Moreover, building long-term partnerships with these publishers has bolstered our brand authority and positioned us as the premium brand within our niche.


What do you think is the best way for publishers to work with you?

The optimal way for publishers to collaborate with us is through clear communication and alignment on audience and brand values. We value partners who bring creative ideas and strategic approaches to campaigns, focusing on measurable outcomes such as click-through rates and conversions. Building a long-term relationship based on trust and reliability is key, ensuring consistent delivery of quality content that resonates authentically with our audience. This approach enables us to maximise the impact of our affiliate marketing efforts and achieve mutual growth and success.


What will The Oodie focus on for 2024 in the performance channel? 

One of the key focuses will be growing the performance channel return, further diversifying the number and mix of affiliates, and ensuring we expand our partnerships both domestically and abroad while maintaining a strong focus on PR affiliate content with Skimlinks.


As The Oodie continues to expand globally, how do you foresee the role of affiliate marketing evolving? How will Skimlinks continue to play a pivotal part in supporting the brand’s growth and success on an international scale?

Skimlinks will continue to be a strategic partner in Oodie’s international growth journey, helping us navigate new markets, forge meaningful partnerships, and drive sustainable success in the global marketplace. Their support will be instrumental in achieving our expansion goals and solidifying our position as a leading brand in cosy apparel worldwide.


What do you love most about Skimlinks?
What I love most about Skimlinks is their ability to simplify and streamline our affiliate PR marketing efforts. Their platform not only facilitates seamless integration with publishers but also offers valuable insights that help us optimise our campaigns for maximum effectiveness. Moreover, Skimlinks’ dedicated support team is always dependable, responsive and proactive, ensuring that we have the resources and guidance needed to achieve our affiliate marketing goals efficiently. 


* While The Oodie looks at Skimlinks platform data, their decision making on investments is also informed by their attribution platform

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